Portes d’entrée avant en fibre de verre

  • Produits de haute qualité

  • Dimensionnement personnalisé disponible

  • Variété de styles et de couleurs

  • Solutions économes en énergie

  • Installation professionnelle

  • Garantie à vie

  • Des prix compétitifs

  • Satisfaction client garantie

Réservez votre estimation gratuite

  • Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.

Pour quelles raisons devriez-vous opter pour des portes en fibre de verre?

Quelle est la première chose que vous remarquez avant d’entrer dans une maison? La porte de devant, bien sûr. Une porte d’entrée doit être accueillante. Par conséquent, l’installation d’une nouvelle de porte pourrait éventuellement constituer un choix judicieux. En plus de l’aspect sécuritaire, le coût d’une nouvelle porte vient également à l’esprit lorsque l’on songe à investir dans un produit de qualité. L’installation d’une belle porte d’entrée durable viendra ajouter de la valeur à votre propriété. La fibre de verre saura vous offrir un parfait équilibre entre style, sécurité et prix abordable. Il s’agit assurément de l’option la plus durable, robuste et sécuritaire pour votre porte d’entrée.


Série grain de bois


Série surface lisse


Série rustique


Série solution


Série vitrée

Porte en fibre de verre à hautes performances

Lorsqu’il est question de longévité, la fibre de verre ressort du lot. Il s’agit en effet d’un matériau extraordinairement solide et durable. Il possède également beaucoup d’autres caractéristiques intéressantes – il est léger, on peut facilement lui donner une foule de formes complexes, il est doté d’une excellente résistance mécanique, il est résilient et il est encore plus durable que l’acier! De plus, la fibre de verre est antirouille, elle ne pourrit pas, elle est incombustible et elle est à l’épreuve des entailles et des égratignures. Même le passage des saisons et les conditions météorologiques les plus difficiles ne peuvent compromettre l’intégrité de la fibre de verre. Votre nouvelle porte en fibre de verre durera certainement plus longtemps que n’importe quel autre produit en bois, en acier, etc. En somme, vous n’aurez pas à remplacer votre porte de sitôt, ce qui contribuera à réduire le gaspillage de ressources. Vous pourrez en outre économiser longtemps sur votre facture énergétique grâce au niveau d’isolation accru que vous procureront les portes en fibre de verre.


Veuillez nous laisser un message détaillé avec vos coordonnées au cas où nous ne répondrions pas, et un représentant vous contactera dès que possible, généralement dans les 24 heures.

Un style et un look rafraîchissants

Il va sans dire que la fibre de verre et les portes en verre décoratif sont considérées comme des options plus qu’intéressantes. Si le bois a su éclipser la plupart des autres matériaux employés dans la fabrication de portes de devant au cours de la dernière décennie, de nouveaux matériaux tels la fibre de verre sont devenus suffisamment polyvalents pour être couramment utilisés, peu importe le type de design privilégié. Certains matériaux imitent même l’apparence et la texture d’autres matériaux, incluant le bois. Si l’achat de portes d’entrée en bois était courant dans le passé, les nouveaux propriétaires optent désormais pour des produits à l’apparence plus délicate. Les portes en fibre de verre et en verre décoratif donnent à votre maison une touche personnelle. Grâce à la fibre de verre, vous pouvez profiter de l’apparence classique du bois sans avoir à procéder à un fastidieux entretien routinier – nul besoin de repeindre ou de retoucher une porte en fibre de verre. Vous pouvez donner à votre maison un look moderne et rafraîchissant simplement en remplaçant votre vieille porte d’entrée par un produit neuf en fibre de verre, dont les options de personnalisation sont presque infinies. Les portes en fibre de verre laissent également entrer plus de lumière que tout autre type de portes, ce qui vous donnera l’impression que l’intérieur de votre demeure est plus lumineux et plus spacieux que jamais. En somme, vous pouvez facilement revamper le look de votre entrée et vous sentir plus en sécurité dans votre maison, et ce, dans le respect de l’environnement.

Installation professionnelle dans les régions de Montréal, de la Rive-Sud et de Laval

Lorsqu’il est question de gros travaux de construction, il est fortement recommandé de faire affaire avec des professionnels. Bien qu’il soit généralement moins coûteux d’effectuer soi-même des travaux de rénovation domiciliaire, une installation de porte inadéquate pourrait vous coûter bien plus cher que prévu. Faites le bon choix : optez pour ce qu’il y a de mieux et faites affaire avec des professionnels chevronnés qui sauront installer vos portes correctement. L’équipe de Factory Direct cumule plus de deux décennies d’expérience dans le domaine. Pour obtenir de l’aide concernant l’installation de vos portes et fenêtres, veuillez communiquer avec Factory Direct Montréal en composant le 514 387-0001 ou en envoyant un courriel à info@factorydirectmontreal.ca. Vous pourrez obtenir les conseils d’un expert et un devis gratuit concernant le projet que vous avez en tête.

Vous avez envie de faire installer de nouvelles portes? Communiquez avec nous pour planifier l’installation des portes les plus sécuritaires et les plus performantes qui soient. Avec nous, votre tranquillité d’esprit est garantie.

Consultez nos catalogues de portes en fibre de verre et en verre décoratif

L’un des nombreux avantages des portes en fibre de verre est leur nombre infini d’options de personnalisation. Ce type de porte vous permet de choisir parmi une vaste gamme de couleurs, de formes et de textures différentes – du style colonial au style moderne, du bois aux options en verre décoratif, des tiges en métal au fer forgé, etc. Feuilletez nos différents catalogues pour trouver le style qui vous convient le mieux et communiquez avec nous pour obtenir des réponses à vos questions.

Réservez votre estimation gratuite

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Nouvelles de Factory Direct Montréal

Zones desservies

  • Côte-Saint-Luc
  • Deux-Montagnes
  • Delson
  • Dollard-des-Ormeaux
  • Duvernay
  • Greenfield Park
  • Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
  • Île-Perrot
  • Île-des-Soeurs
  • Kahnawake
  • Kirkland
  • Rosemont
  • Saint-Constant
  • Saint-Hubert
  • Saint-Laurent
  • Saint-Philippe
  • Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
  • Sainte-Catherine
  • Saint-Rémi
  • Sainte-Thérèse
  • Vaudreuil-Dorion
  • Verdun
  • Westmount

Les coûts de l’installation

L’installation de portes en fibre de verre et vitrées décoratives peut coûter cher.

Les prix peuvent varier de 200 $ à 1500 $ selon la taille et l’épaisseur dont vous avez besoin pour vos portes. Bien que cela puisse sembler décourageant, gardez à l’esprit que ces portes dureront plus longtemps que celles fabriquées d’autres matériaux. Elles exigent peu ou pas de frais d’entretien, et comme mentionné précédemment, elles ne pourriront pas et ne rouilleront pas. Leur remplacement ne sera donc pas problématique.

Parce que ces modèles de portes sont nouveaux sur le marché, vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que, au fil du temps, leur valeur augmente, et ce, en ajoutant de la valeur à votre propriété.

Vous pouvez obtenir de l’aide pour l’installation de vos portes en fibre de verre et vitrées décoratives en communiquant avec Factory Direct Montréal. Composer le 514-387-0001 ou utiliser notre page contactez-nous. En nous contactant, vous pouvez obtenir l’avis gratuit d’un expert et une estimation sur la porte de votre choix. Avec nous, vous vous assurez d’en avoir pour votre argent.

Les portes en fibre de verre et vitrées décoratives sont utiles pour améliorer l’apparence de votre maison et pour assurer votre sécurité à l’intérieur. Elles sont aussi de bons investissements parce qu’elles ajoutent de la valeur à votre maison. Les nouvelles portes d’entrée sont plus solides, plus sûres et plus durables !

Hâtez d’obtenir votre première installation de portes d’entrée ? Visitez Factory Direct Montréal et profitez d’une installation en toute sécurité aujourd’hui.

Les experts pour l’installation de portes d’entrée

Lorsqu’il s’agit de constructions lourdes, vous ne voudrez pas qu’un amateur fasse le travail. Alors que faire vos propres rénovations est une option plus économique, une installation défectueuse peut vous coûter plus cher. Ne vous contentez pas de moins ! Optez pour le meilleur et demandez à un expert avec des années de pratique d’installer correctement vos portes.

Vous pouvez obtenir de l’aide pour l’installation de vos portes en fibre de verre et vitrées décoratives en communiquant avec Factory Direct Montréal. Composer le 514-387-0001 ou utiliser notre page contactez-nous. En nous contactant, vous pouvez obtenir l’avis gratuit d’un expert et une estimation sur la porte de votre choix. Avec nous, vous vous assurez d’en avoir pour votre argent.

Les portes en fibre de verre et vitrées décoratives sont utiles pour améliorer l’apparence de votre maison et pour assurer votre sécurité à l’intérieur. Elles sont aussi de bons investissements parce qu’elles ajoutent de la valeur à votre maison. Les nouvelles portes d’entrée sont plus solides, plus sûres et plus durables !

Hâtez d’obtenir votre première installation de portes d’entrée ? Visitez Factory Direct Montréal et profitez d’une installation en toute sécurité aujourd’hui.

Nous travaillons dur pour gagner votre confiance et nous efforçons toujours de faire de notre mieux.

I used services of Factory Direct for 2 projects (2 different houses). Both times it was done excellent! We changed the patio door, front door and windows (4 windows in one house and 11 in another one). Their team was very experienced and super efficient. They did their job with good quality and at the same time were able to finish within 2 days (for our big project, 11 windows, including those on the roof + front door and patio door). I also liked their windows' frame much more than any other window I've seen at my friends houses. They have wide frame and esthetically it looks very nice! The cost was also very good comparing with similar companies. I would highly recommend their service!
Smita Patel
Smita Patel
Had a really great experience with Sasha the first time at factory direct and we are going with them again for our back patio door replacement. He came over, was quick on the estimate and we got a good price. Looking forward to the install. Placed some pictures from our basement install right before finishing the trim and painting.
Myriam Larouche
Myriam Larouche
Prix très compétitifs, service exceptionnel, travailleurs extrêmement efficaces , courtois, rien à dire de négatif!!! Ils ont fait notre bloc au complet en moins de 3 jours, 20 fenêtres, certaines à changer de dimensions, une porte. Je recommande !!!
jie zhang
jie zhang
After 2 years window installation, I’m satisfied with Factory-direct. The first is the service, it’s easy to communicate and always respond on time. Second, the quality is good, the new windows give us efficiency isolation to keep warm in winter.Here I especially thank for Sacha, the rep who brings friendly and professional suggestions and estimation.Now I will order big patio doors with them for my new solarium.They’re worthy to be trusted and recommended.
We chose Factory Direct Windows to replace our windows based on their high-ranking reviews. Initially, we were skeptical due to past bad experiences with construction companies not delivering on quality and deadlines. However, when we met Sasha and later spoke with Sveta, we immediately noticed a difference.We received quotes from several companies and visited their showrooms, and it was clear that Factory Direct Windows offered superior quality. The key differences were their much longer warranty and flexible payment arrangements—they didn’t require full payment before installation, which reassured us that we would have leverage if the product quality wasn’t as promised. Sasha offered us a great deal that left no doubt about choosing them, and Sveta quickly arranged everything for us.Even then, we remained skeptical, having previously dealt with companies whose behavior and communication changed drastically after contracts were signed. To our surprise, we received a call a week before the promised deadline to schedule the installation. When the installation team arrived, we were amazed by their politeness and attention to detail. They handled everything as promised, without any mess, and even cleaned up after themselves.Based on our previous renovation experiences, we were prepared for a full day of cleaning, but after installing all the windows, we only needed a quick vacuum—and we were done! I wish other construction companies would hold themselves to this company's standards.We are 100% satisfied and highly recommend them to anyone looking for high-quality windows, excellent customer support, and a hassle-free installation experience. Thank you, Factory Direct Windows, and special thanks to Sasha and Sveta!
Brian Gurski
Brian Gurski
This was a very professional job by Sveta ,Sasha ,and the work crew .They are very good at all aspects of the job .Excellent customer service ,fast and efficient job. Well done!A very satisfied customer!Thank you Factory Direct
Vahram N
Vahram N
Thank you Sasha, Sveta and all the team!
Factory Direct Montreal replaced and installed all the Windows and doors in our home . After shopping around , their price and quality was a no brainer .Their knowledge and customer service provided by Sveta and Sasha were excellent !Addressed all our concerns and returned calls even after contract was signed while they were on vacation . Not to many people will give that kind of service in today’s world !No regrets so far . Installation team did a good job and clean up after job was well done .
Malaika Awori
Malaika Awori
Excellent experience with Sasha, Sveta and their team. Professional, great communication and excellent quality of work. We replaced 4 doors and most of our windows and were very happy with the result. Highly recommend!
We chose this company because we knew that they would do amazing work. They did, they installed the windows beautifully well, the windows are secure and strong. We had Sasha as one of the installers of the window, he was amazing and he was really passionate about the work. I strongly recommend this company if you want to install windows, they’re really good.
Great experience from start to finish! Met with Sasha, got very detailed explanation of the difference in window quality etc. Price was great! Took about 8 weeks from signing contract to install. Install team did an amazing job. They cleaned up after themselves. Do not hesitate to go with Sasha and his team. You will not be disappointed!
Cynthia Roberts
Cynthia Roberts
We chose Factory Direct after obtaining 5 quotes! We are very happy with the windows! The installation was amazing and Sasha and Sveta (our sales and administration contacts) were equally amazing. Would highly recommend Factory Direct!
Maximo Aybar
Maximo Aybar
I dealt with Sasha and Sveta for the replacement of 3 basement windows: good advice, quick response, good price, they arrived on time and finished the installation very well.I recommend both very much.
Ria Falvo
Ria Falvo
Very pleased with the quote and service from Sasha, who genuinely cares about providing impeccable work. Our house looks beautiful with the change in our new windows. Highly recommended.
Rick Bastien
Rick Bastien
Nous avons fait changé toutes les fenêtres et portes de notre chalet. Bien que l’installation a été faite en retard sur l’horaire prévue au départ (environ 2 semaines), mon épouse et moi sommes très satisfaits des résultats. L’équipe s’est appliquée et a fait un travail remarquable. Toujours poli et efficace, ils ont accompli leurs taches avec brio. Bravo à tous en commençant par Shan et Sveta qui a toujours répondu rapidement à toutes mes demandes! Hautement recommandé!
Brian Name
Brian Name
Factory Direct did a fantastic job! Great service, friendly staff, I had to change my bay window to a straight window. I also added a brand new window in my basement to add more light. Very fast and very efficient.Huge Thank you to Sveta and his team
loud as f!ck
loud as f!ck
As a cabinet maker and furniture builder i have to say it was a pleasant experience to have my windows done by them in july 2024. i spoke with Tony (sales rep.) for the first time in April and everything went smoothly from there. We had several exchanges and i even visited the shop in ville-saint-laurent where i met Max which is their head installer. They gave me a quote considering extras for cutting slightly larger openings for most windows (10 windows total) and i was stunned to see that they were nearly 4000$ cheaper than the big name competitor and the guarantee was better as well. Max came by to take the final measurements and as promised my windows were installed within 7 weeks. They were a team of 3 men (Max and his boys) and they got all the windows done in 1 day (i couldn't believe it), urethaned and caulked. Great price, Great service, and i am more than satisfied. Even with my 22 years experience in woodworking and cabinet making i would not have done a better job. definitely recommend these guys!!! thx Tony and Max!!!
Mahdi Vakili
Mahdi Vakili
Thank you Sasha and Sveta for excellent service and quality work.My wife and I are very satisfied with this team. They are experts. Everything was great, answered the call, visit and service all on time.
Sean H.
Sean H.
Fantastic service by Sasha for Sales, Customer Service by Sveta, and the Installation Team. Proactive, efficient and friendly. Highly recommended.
I tried getting quotes from many other companies and Factory direct was the only one that gave me the best service and prices with quality products, since my first experience with factory direct I have now used them multiple times due to their great professionalism and care for their clients, I wouldn’t recommend anyone else when it comes to windows and doors replacement
Marta Balatsko
Marta Balatsko
Amazing service received from Factory Direct !A-Z installers did an amazing job, dor is great quality, quick install and everything was clean after they leftdefinitely recommend for all your doors snd windows needs
Ella Abbasi
Ella Abbasi
We worked with Sasha/Sveta team and bought 3ply pvc windows. We are happy with the product, price and service. Instalation by Victor's team was very smooth.
Razia Malek
Razia Malek
I had my windows changed recently with Factory Direct Mtl mainly because of the exceptional customer care and follow up I received from Sasha & Sveta. They took the time to explain everything to me without any pressure. They guided me through the application process, for the renoclimat/greener homes gouv. program, where I would be entitled to some reimbursement for their qualifying energy star windows. They backed up their quoted prices and followed through with their word. The team who changed the windows were also very professional and organized. My windows look great and satisfy my expectation. They also guarantee & back up their quality & workmanship. Overall it was a positive experience for me and I would recommend them with out any hesitation.
I highly recommend FactoryDirect because they did an outstanding job. It all started with Sasha's excellent presentation, followed by Sveta's detailed estimation. Despite the numerous changes I requested, Sveta always remained pleasant and provided great service. Eugene measured my windows accurately, and Anthony and his crew were exceptional. They worked efficiently, cleaned up after themselves, and were punctual and friendly. Their teamwork was like a well-oiled Swiss watch. I'm truly grateful for their incredible work. The pricing was also unbeatable after comparing with others. Do yourself a favor and choose FactoryDirect Windows and doors. It's a company I trust, and I will definitely recommend them to my family and friends.
Marko Kulik
Marko Kulik
Fantastic experience dealing with this company. Very professional, very clean work. A tight and friendly team.HIGHLY recommended.
Andrey Jourkin
Andrey Jourkin
I recently purchased windows from FactoryDirect Windows and Doors, with Sasha and Sveta assisting me throughout the process. Their service was excellent. Andrej and Victor did an amazing job with the installation. If you watch the video, you'll see why I'm so pleased. I highly recommend this company. Thank you for a job well done!"
Askold Lensky
Askold Lensky
Excellent quality, fast service. Alex is the manager beyond all praises! He explained everything clearly why we need double glazing. We recently bought a cottage and going to apply again to replace the windows there.
I want to thank Sasha and Sveta and FactoryDirect for their amazing service. They helped me choose my doors and convinced me after I had taken many estimations. I chose FactoryDirect because of the quality of the windows and the incredible presentation that Sasha gave me.Andrey and Victor did an incredible job with the installation. Good job, guys. Thank you very much. I am very, very happy and definitely recommend FactoryDirect.
Tanya Serper
Tanya Serper
My Husband. And me went through about 7 different window companies prior to finding Factory Directed Windows & Doors. Sasha and Sveta, the sales representative, was absolutely amazing and the process was seamless from start to finish. The gentlemen who came to measure were very professional. Eugene. The installation experts, Anthony And his team. were phenomenal. They were on time, kept the area clean. I mentioned one area that was not caulked to my liking, and Anthony immediately fixed it with no questions asked ! Again thank you Factory Direct, thank you for making out home beautiful. It was excellent price ! 👌 I definitely recommend Sasha and Sveta
Steve Vultaggio
Steve Vultaggio
Great job by Sasha and team . Doors look amazing the finishing makes a big difference. I will definitely be doing business with Sasha and team again. I Highly recommended Sasha for his fantastic experience and recommendations.
Catherine WEI
Catherine WEI
I recently had new windows installed in my basement.I am very happy with the work they did. I would like to thank Sasha, Sveta and their installation team for showing me what professionalism is all about.Job well done, I would definitely recommend.Thanks again to all your team!
Cheryl Sevack
Cheryl Sevack
We were very pleased with Factory Direct. Tony was excellent to work with and kept us informed every step of the way.Installation was seamless, thanks to Max and his efficient team! They were fast, clean and professional .Loving our new facelift!
Philippa Parks
Philippa Parks
Very pleased with the service from everyone. They were quick to respond to inquiries and installation was done with care. Excellent “rapport qualité- prix”
Alejandro Beru
Alejandro Beru
Great product, I purchased my whole windows from these guys. They have a good showroom . Sasha provide me all the information and choose the right windows for my property. Sveta was always answering my phones and questions. I did so many changes she was always nice and patient. The girls in the office always friendly and professional. I was very happy of the product, Good prices as well which is always a good thing. Will buy again for my future investment properties. Thank you again......
Cathy P
Cathy P
We had an amazing experience by choosing Factory Direct to change our windows and patio door. The team that did the job were very professional and very clean.We recommend Factory Direct to anyone that's thing of changing their windows.Thank you very much for a job well done.🌞
Sasha and Sveta you are rock stars of windows and doors 🤩👍Very professional from beginning to the end.From estimation visit to end of install everything was flawless.The best prices for the best quality.Anthony and his crew were top notch, punctual, clear, professional 👏Thank you very much.
Just had our new windows and patio door installed and we could not be happier.Sveta and Sasha are the best sales team.Antony and his crew were amazing and very helpful. Very professional, clean and polite team.Overall we are very happy.Highly recommend!
Mazen Kassem
Mazen Kassem
It was my first project for replacing three very big and five medium size.after getting many offers, I met Sasha, he is a knowledgeable and explain every thing in simple way. he gave me better quality and price.The installation day was as agreed without delay. Sasha told me the he will sent good teams, but I found that he sent the best.Installation team came on time. they cover the area before starting the work, they were organized and professional. after finishing they clean all over the area.when they working,we didn't felt that somebody in your house. they did a great work from A to Z.installation and finishing were wonderful,more than our expectations. even we didn't need to do any touch up paint they replied on all our concerns.Thanks for Sasha and his great team.Its my pleasure that you handled my project.
Kar Nap
Kar Nap
Got my windows from Factory Direct Sasha was the representative gave me an amazing service .We compared prices with other suppliers and for quality & service offers by Sasha and Sveta we went with FD because of their professionalism . Great experience we recommend going with Sasha & Sveta anytime . my windows and doors are beautifully installed and they even cleaned after. We have come back to do the patio door and another window as always Sasha was pleasant professional and we appreciate that company 100% highly recommended very happy customer.
Bob Kos
Bob Kos
Excellent product excellent service,highly recommend.
John Valente
John Valente
It was my first time buying from Factory Direct and I am very satisfied with my experience with them. We had 4 windows and 3 steel doors and a patio door installed. Starting with Tony Semeraro the sales rep who guided us with our project he was very knowledgeable and kept his word on the date of the installation. Max and his crew came to do the installation they were amazing starting with making sure to cover the floors and the furniture, you could tell they love their job they made sure of every little detail and after the work was done they vacuumed and cleaned up completely. They made sure we were completely satisfied before leaving. Thank you to the team at Factory Direct especially Tony and Max, I would recommend them if you are looking for windows and doors, they have excellent prices
Lise Brisson
Lise Brisson
Très bon service autant de ma vendeuse Victoria que les deux installateurs Alex et Oleg. Très satisfaite de mes fenêtres et je recommande sans hésiter cette compagnie excellent service.
Tim Jagger
Tim Jagger
Factory Direct replaced all our windows, front door and two patio doors. Job was done on time, clean and professional. Prices were very competitive, the salesman was friendly and helpful throughout the way. We required one post installation service and they addressed any pending issues within a week. Very happy for choosing them!
Asanda Nkosi
Asanda Nkosi
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Della Martin
Della Martin
Amazing staff, friendly, professional and helpful. Always felt well taken care of through the buying process and installation. Some delays but all was properly communicated and handled. Very happy!
Susan Phillips
Susan Phillips
Only windows and doors company I can ever trust! They will go above and beyond for you. Highly recommended!
Most amazing to deal with. Doors beautiful. Installation brilliant and overall amazing to deal with.
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Sasha Mc Shket
Sasha Mc Shket
I love this company very friendly staff very quality windows and doors which is UPVC
just got my windows and 2 patio doors installed, great service and best prices, Sergei the sales representative was always available for questions or information
Tanya Siv
Tanya Siv
We had this company replace all the windows and doors in the house. Alex came soon after we called and gave us ideas and prices. Alex was Very professional, knowledgeable and simply a nice person.
We ordered all the windows and doors and a couple of weeks they crew came to install it all in one day!
The job was done with great attention to detail and the finished product is just wonderful. Thank you Alex and Crew. You Rock!
Highly recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
(Before and after pictures)
Alia Tabbara
Alia Tabbara
Great product and amazing team!
Mekhael Barcafe
Mekhael Barcafe
excellent service travaille d équipe très compétant produits des qualités et bon prix je vous recommande 100% Merci ,Sergery et à toute l équipes,,,,,,,
LJ Lasangue
LJ Lasangue
A great experience from getting an estimate all the way to getting our windows and doors installed. Sales rep was friendly and came back to make sure we were OK during the installation. The installers were very professional and friendly. They would always update us through out the install and answer any questions we had. Thanks guys
Our sales rep Sergey was instrumental in helping us choose the best quality windows for our home while keeping our budget in mind.
The installers, lead by Max, did a spectacular job. I am looking forward to seeing how these windows perform during our deep freeze winters. Great job guys! Keep up the good work!
Lina Asselien
Lina Asselien
Service excellent, professionnel et rapide.
Nancy Rassy
Nancy Rassy
New doors are installed.. Peter and his team were great, professional and helpful. A good experience from Sales Rep to installation team! This Rive-Sud group is highly recommended.
Norman Miller
Norman Miller
Windows and doors look fantastic. The service was impeccable. The installers were a pleasure to work with. Their prices came in as much as half of competitors quotes.....almost too good to be true....but a reality! I would highly recommend Alex and his team.
L'ensemble fait un tout car tout est bien répartis, je suis persuadé que tout ceux que vous avez fait et que vous allez faire trouveront preneurs, personnellement je vous dis félicitation, bonne réussite et ne perdez pas patience.
Mark Sexsmith
Mark Sexsmith
Peter and the Factory Direct team are very professional and courteous. We are pleased with the workmanship and the look of the windows and door. Would highly recommend.
Alex came to our house for an estimation for 6 windows and was very friendly and informative. The guys who installed the windows were very pleasant, fast, and professional.Highly recommend this company very pleased with the installation.
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